

Sphinx-TimeTooth Collaboration for Open Source Low-cost Emergency Ventilator Design

29 Apr 2020 | Anju S

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to overwhelmingly threaten the medical infrastructure at the global level spiking the mortality rate due to the shortage of critical equipment, especially ventilators. Therefore, Sphinx Worldbiz Limited have collaborated with TimeTooth Technologies to help the latter develop a low-cost ventilator design to be made available on open source for manufacturers across […]

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COVID-19 FAQs Answered and How You Can Help

28 Apr 2020 | Anju S

Q1- What Can COVID-19 Do to Your Lungs? COVID-19 typically shows symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection, along with cough and sore throat. The virus further moves down the throat and infiltrate the lower respiratory tract. After reaching there, it wreaks havoc to the lung’s tiny air sacs, known as alveoli. It’s that part […]

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What Does a Mechanical Ventilator Do?

24 Apr 2020 | Anju S

  The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked the exponential demand for ventilators across the world. But, why do we need ventilators so desperately? Are they the only solution to fight against deadly coronavirus? According to Brian Oliver, a respiratory disease researcher and an Associate Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) the ventilator can decide […]

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How Do Mechanical Ventilators Work?

22 Apr 2020 | Anju S

  COVID-19 has severely hit the world and healthcare workers are anxious as the last resort is to keep critical patients on ventilators. Mechanical ventilator definitely isn’t a cure but in this dire situation, it is functioning as a life savior for those who develop troubled breathing. However, what is less widely discussed is how […]

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Do Ventilators Help or Harm the Coronavirus Patients?

16 Apr 2020 | Anju S

  Need for more mechanical ventilators has hit the world a storm. Many organisations, engineers and medical equipment manufacturers have started to pull all-nighters to make their skills useful in this way until a more effective and preventive treatment for the Coronavirus disease is developed. Also known as the ‘respirator’, some health experts consider ventilators […]

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Indian Engineers Enroute to Win Hearts by Building Low-cost Ventilator for COVID-19 From Crowdfunding

15 Apr 2020 | Anju S

The whole world is coming together to fight COVID-19 pandemic in many ways, from following social distancing, helping the underprivileged, to donating to the healthcare systems and organisations across the world, the efforts are unanimous. However, this is only buying time, it does not fully stop the rising death toll or the people getting affected. […]

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Advantages Reverse Engineering in Product Manufacturing: A Comprehensive Guide

08 Apr 2020 | Anju S

Reverse engineering (RE), also known back engineering is the process of attaining a geometric CAD model from measurements developed by contact or non-contact scanning method of an existing man-made model. In computerized manufacturing the process usually begins by designing a product and finished with machine operation by making a final product from raw materials; CAD […]

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