Offshore Development Centre

Offshore Development Centre

The Offshore Development Centre (ODC) is increasingly popular business model for enterprises, large and small, to increase productivity and reduce operational cost by employing offshore talent. This model has proven to be an effective tool for better predictability and visibility in the development process. The Sphinx Worldbiz Offshore Development Centres are located across strategic global locations for undertaking efficient IT and Engineering services and related support & maintenance activities.

Sphinx ODC(s) offer clients with an imperative outsourcing partnership of a competent pool of learned, trained and experienced IT & Engineering professionals with expertise in a wide range of skill-sets and proven technology. Client’s existing processes are completely supported with quality assurance and version control; thus, the offshore centre operates in an efficient and seamless manner, more like an extension of client’s facility.

End-to-end solutions provided by Sphinx dedicated ODCs:

  • Systems consultancy to support the entire product development lifecycle
  • Requirement studies
  • Identifying and employing experienced talent pool
  • Data analysis
  • Bespoke software / application / design / model development
  • Testing & Compliance
  • Maintenance and support
  • Migration and re-engineering
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Migration to new technologies
  • 24 x 7 help desk


Here’s how it works:

Sphinx follows a proven methodology in executing client’s projects via its ODCs. Every project is unique, so flexibility or customizing the process as per client’s need is an integral part. The following are a set of broad stages of work process followed:

  • Understand immediate, short-term and long-term goals
  • Decide initial team size with skill-sets and experience required
  • Hire initial team
  • Begin Knowledge transfer
  • Set up access to development resources via VPN or direct link Operate (Processes for remote development in set up in such a way that the offshore team integrates seamlessly with client’s core development team
  • Ramp up the team to the desired strength, after initial processes have been setup
  • Set up processes for dual shore development
  • Deliver first few projects
  • Scale up to final team size

Once the clients are convinced that the offshore model works, Sphinx assist them incorporate their company in India, set up independent facilities and transfer all the people to this company. It also takes care of register subsidiary, regulatory compliances, locate and set-up facilities, communications links, transfer of manpower etc.

Sphinx ODC increases client’s bandwidth and capability in terms of development, maintenance, testing, support etc. It assists in bridging the specific skill-set gaps and obtains the required access to, hard to find, resources and technologies. Clients build best practices by leveraging on Team Sphinx experiences across applications, designs, verticals and technology. The team can also be scaled up or down based on market and business needs, thus converting fixed cost to variable cost for clients. Clients are benefitted with a visible reduction in cost, as offshore resources are one-third of US costs. Global companies leverage on India’s extended time zone and have been opting for ODCs with 24 x 7 operations.

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