Embedded Engineering Services

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    Embedded Engineering Services

    Project A:

    Real-Time Quantitative PCR Implementation.

    Our client is involved in the manufacture of medical appliances and instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating, and other purposes except optical instruments.


    Developing and using real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR) medical devices in the healthcare industry comes with several challenges. These challenges encompass technical, regulatory, logistical, and operational aspects.

    The utilization of qPCR devices comes with several noteworthy challenges:

    • Sample Variability: Biological samples often exhibit variations in quality and purity, leading to inconsistent results.
    • Contamination Risks: Even minor contamination can compromise the accuracy of qPCR results. Rigorous laboratory protocols are essential to mitigate these risks.
    • Data Analysis Complexity: The vast amount of data generated requires advanced data analysis tools and expertise to extract meaningful results.
    • Standardization: Ensuring uniformity and comparability of results across different laboratories and instruments is a constant challenge.

    Our Solutions:

    To address these challenges, we have implemented several solutions:

    • Sample Quality Control: We emphasize rigorous sample preparation and purification techniques to minimize variability and ensure high-quality input.
    • Advanced Data Analysis: Our state-of-the-art software simplifies complex data analysis, empowering researchers and clinicians to extract meaningful insights efficiently.
    • Sample Preparation Protocols: Robust sample preparation techniques help reduce variability and enhance the accuracy of results.


    Our commitment to addressing these challenges has led to remarkable outcomes:

    • High Sensitivity and Specificity: Our qPCR devices consistently deliver exceptional sensitivity and specificity, making them indispensable for molecular diagnostics and research.
    • Swift Turnaround Time: Streamlined protocols and automation have significantly reduced qPCR assay turnaround times, enabling faster decision-making in clinical settings.
    • Personalized Medicine: qPCR technology has played a pivotal role in advancing personalized medicine, enabling tailored treatment strategies based on individual genetic profiles
    • Scientific Advancements: Researchers worldwide have harnessed the potential of qPCR to achieve groundbreaking discoveries in genomics, oncology, microbiology, and various other fields.
    • The following development are required for this project:Web application for graph plotting for temperature display for lid heater & Peltier and amplification display.

    Raspberry PI for embedded software development.
    Python Scripting.

    Technologies Stack used:

    Embedded Python, ADC, I2C Protocol, SPI Protocol, React JS, Mongo DB & Node JS, Express JS etc.

    Project B :

    Web Application Revolutionizing Warehouse Management

    This German-based web application revolutionizing warehouse management. Designed for seamless handling of cases and pallets, offers unparalleled efficiency and precision in inventory management.
    Our client involved in warehouse management system with automation.


    Despite its innovative features, this faces several challenges in its implementation. One significant challenge lies in ensuring seamless integration and synchronization between its diverse technologies – React.js and Three.js for the frontend, C# .NET for the backend, and SQLite DB for the database. Maintaining compatibility and smooth communication between these components is crucial for the application’s performance and reliability. the intricate nature of pallet design, with its interdependent steps and dynamic sequencing in the Program Routine Creator (PRC), requires careful optimization to prevent bottlenecks and ensure efficient palletization. Overcoming these challenges will be essential for this application to realize its potential as a revolutionary warehouse management solution.

    • Complexity in Pallet Design: Creating an intuitive interface for designing pallets with multiple dependent steps posed a significant challenge. Users needed to navigate through various parameters and design patterns, which could be overwhelming without proper guidance.
    • Ensuring Data Security: Implementing role-based access control while maintaining data integrity was crucial. Admins required full access to create and modify pallets and cases, while guest and regular users needed restricted access to prevent unauthorized changes.
    • Real-time Visualization: Providing users with a dynamic simulation of how the robot would place cases on the pallet in real-time required seamless integration of frontend and backend technologies. This demanded efficient data processing and rendering capabilities.

    Our Solutions:

    To address these challenges, we have implemented several solutions:

    • User Guidance and Simplified Interface: We addressed the complexity of pallet design by providing a stepwise procedure with clear instructions at each stage. Visual aids such as 3D visualization helped users better understand the design process.
    • Role-based Access Control: We implemented role-based access control to ensure data security. Admins were granted full privileges to manage pallets and cases, while guest and regular users were restricted to viewing and limited actions, preventing unauthorized modifications.
    • Integration of Frontend and Backend Technologies: By leveraging React.js for the frontend and C# .NET for the backend, we achieved seamless communication between the user interface and the database. This enabled real-time visualization of pallet designs and efficient handling of data.


    Our commitment to addressing these challenges has led to remarkable outcomes:

    • Improved Efficiency: The intuitive interface and comprehensive modules of resulted in improved efficiency in warehouse management. Users could easily create and modify pallets and cases, leading to streamlined operations.
    • Enhanced Security: Role-based access control ensured that only authorized personnel could make changes to pallets and cases, enhancing data security and integrity. This mitigated the risk of unauthorized access and modifications.
    • Better Decision Making: With access to comprehensive data and real-time visualization, users could make informed decisions regarding pallet designs. This resulted in optimized warehouse layouts and improved inventory management.

    Overall, revolutionized warehouse management by offering unparalleled efficiency, precision, and security in inventory management.

    Technologies Stack used:React js, Three js , c# .net and SQLite DB

    Project C:

    Real-Time Web Application Implementation.


    Developing a robust Angular-based web application poses several challenges, including authentication, authorization, and user management complexities. The platform aims to provide seamless access to a range of applications while ensuring security and scalability.

    • User Role Management: Implementing distinct roles such as admin, guest, and regular user with varying levels of access control presents a challenge.
    • Authentication System: Designing an intuitive login interface and establishing secure authentication mechanisms to manage user access effectively.
    • Rights and Permissions: Ensuring that users are granted access only to the applications they are entitled to based on their roles and licenses.
    • Administration Dashboards: Developing comprehensive dashboards for external admins to monitor application usage, manage users, and track key performance indicators.

    Our Solutions:

    To address the challenges outlined in the this project, we have devised comprehensive solutions aimed at ensuring seamless user experience, robust security, and efficient management of roles and permissions.

    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Implementation:
      We have developed a sophisticated RBAC system that distinguishes between different user roles, including administrators, external administrators, and regular users.
      Each role is associated with specific rights and permissions, ensuring that users only have access to the applications and functionalities relevant to their role.
    • Secure Authentication Mechanisms:Our platform features a modern and intuitive login interface designed to enhance user experience.Robust authentication mechanisms, including Single Sign-On (SSO), have been implemented to ensure secure access to the platform and its applications.Users are authenticated based on their credentials, and access is granted only to authorized individuals.
    • User Management Tools:Administrators have been equipped with powerful user management tools, enabling them to efficiently add, remove, and edit users and their application entitlements.External administrators have access to limited user management functionalities, allowing them to manage users within their organization while adhering to predefined access controls.
    • Comprehensive Administration Dashboards:Separate administration dashboards have been developed for external administrators, providing them with real-time insights into application usage, license management, and resource monitoring.These dashboards serve as centralized interfaces for administrators to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and make informed decisions based on analytics and usage metrics.
    • Enhanced User Experience and Navigation:The platform offers a seamless user experience, with intuitive navigation and access to relevant information and applications.Breadcrumbs and clear navigation paths ensure that users can easily navigate between different sections of the platform and its applications.


    To address these challenges, the following solutions have been implemented:

    • Role-Based Access Control: A sophisticated role-based access control system is implemented, distinguishing between administrators, external administrators, and regular users. Each role has specific rights and permissions.
    • Secure Authentication: Modern and intuitive login UI is designed, backed by robust authentication mechanisms such as Single Sign-On (SSO) to ensure secure access to applications.
    • User Management: Administrators have full control over user management, including adding, removing, and editing users and their application entitlements. External administrators have limited rights restricted to managing users within their organization.
    • Administration Dashboards: Separate administration dashboards are provided for external admins, offering comprehensive insights into application usage, license management, and resource monitoring.


    The implementation of these solutions has resulted in significant outcomes:

    • Enhanced User Experience: Users can seamlessly navigate through the platform, accessing only the applications they are entitled to based on their roles and licenses.
    • Improved Security: Robust authentication mechanisms ensure secure access to sensitive data, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.
    • Efficient User Management:Administrators can efficiently manage users and application entitlements, ensuring compliance with license terms and conditions.
    • Comprehensive Monitoring: Administration dashboards provide real-time insights into application usage, enabling administrators to make informed decisions and optimize resources effectively.

    Technologies Stack used:

    Backend:Java Spring Boot.
    Frontend:Angular 17.


    • Unit Testing
    • System Testing
    • Selenium Automation

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