Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

Sphinx Worldbiz is a reputed name offering innovative, competitive and customer oriented Information Technology and Engineering services. The company is uniquely positioned to grab opportunities from the challenging IT and Engineering markets. As a customer oriented firm, it has maintained its efficiency of scale and technical capabilities to compete the cut-throat competition across global markets.

Certain advantages that client’s receive through their association with SPHINX are:

  • Cost Savings: Team at Sphinx Worldbiz’s Design and Development Centre contemplates to roll out comparably efficient & qualitative outputs at a cost significantly less than R&D expenditures incurred in Fundamental Research of any large Corporate or MNC
  • Fast turnaround time: The Company maintains appreciable capability to offer a 24×7 services and visible reduction in turnaround times
  • Technology-cum-Intellectual Expertise: Indian brains are considered to be the best, in software and engineering, across the world. Software engineers, design engineers and other technical workforce at Sphinx not only possess domain expertise but also have holistic knowledge of products and processes
  • Integrated Service Provider: Sphinx Worldbiz will perform as an integrated service centre complementing and supplementing client’s existing facilities. The company has well-trained & retrained teams and also contemporary technology based machines. The design & development centres at Sphinx contemplate to roll out low cost, more efficient, and better quality services at a cost less than client’s current R&D expenditures
  • Confidentiality: The company not only gives due importance to Quality and Schedule, but also maintains a high level of Confidentiality concerning customer information, data etc. The management identifies different teams for each project, allocates them with adequate resources. Further the required orientation of the project, the standards to be maintained, the deliverables and very importantly security considerations are shared as required
  • Delivery: For Sphinx Worldbiz the concept of meeting deliverables is not only about maintaining schedules of delivery and successful project-completion but, it means much more. Completion of project on time, within budget, in-line with client’s expectations and as per industry standards defines deliverables for Sphinx. As a part to this, the company accepts orders with penalty clauses, for better regulation
  • Client Focused: With a focus on overcoming the limits of time, budget and technology for clients, Sphinx Worldbiz assists them in meeting technological lacuna. The technically advanced services offered aim at enabling client to meet organizational goals

Along with above shared competitive advantages, Sphinx Worldbiz promises best-in-class Industry Standard Technology and Processes. Proven Execution Model and resources can also be scaled according to client’s requirements.

Our Trusted Partners

A global Engineering Consultant & Service Provider meeting the CAD, CAM, CAE, Die Design, Welding Fixture Design.

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