
Benefits of CNC Machining in Modern Manufacturing


Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine has become perhaps one of them most viable methods for manufacturing companies to survive in the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Also known as Numerical control, CNC automates control of machining tools like lathes, lasers, mills, grinders and drills via software embedded in a microcomputer. Interestingly, the oldest machined tool dates back to 700 B.C. in Italy and CNC technology is not as new as many would think. With viable inventions and advancements in manufacturing technologies, the CNC machining tools reshaped the whole manufacturing industry. Unlike additive or formative manufacturing method, this technology is digitized and holds the scalability of accomplishing the task in minimum time with more efficiency. Many companies work on their own CNC machines while some hire additional service providers to achieve seamless integration. But, the point here is why every manufacturing company is jumping in the CNC machining bandwagon? Read below to know the answer:

Error-free Massive Production Possibility

With the introduction of CNC machines, the companies today have eliminated the problem of producing the massive same kind of products that have noticeable differences. It still is not a cakewalk but the technology has surely unburdened the hassle of attaining mass production of products without any mismatch in the products vis.a.vis an individual entity. The technology eliminates human errors and attains accuracy within 1/1000th. A CNC machine works on the algorithms of X, Y, and Z axes to create 3D movements and cut shapes into any tangible object that gives a clearer understanding of the project.

 Reliable Endurance 

Manufacturers choose CNC as it can function 24 hours a day, all through the year with occasional maintenance. What makes it more amazing is the feature that even if the machine is undergoing through any kind of maintenance or examination, it still works seamlessly on the inputted programs.

Fewer Machining Labour

CNC machining requires less manpower to execute mass production. Two experts can complete the task at a time; an expert operator to run numerous autonomous CNC machines and one programmer to load with required product designs. Once the machines are programmed, a single mechanist is enough to execute the product design process.

Better Use of Automation

As CNC machining demands less human resources, it makes way and boosts automation. Once the tools are loaded in the CNC machines, the technique doesn’t require any kind of helping hand to make the changes in the further steps. It has surpassed the conventional NC machines which required expert and proficient engineers to complete a designing task. Companies can now work in a less labour-intensive way.

Complex Product Design 

Unlike 3D printing/Additive manufacturing, CNC machining can create from small to major and complex designs without consuming much time either. After loading inputs into the CNC machining computers, the machine can carve out the exact demanded design from the whole material. Despite being one of the oldest manufacturing techniques, CNC machining is still surging its demand as it provides more exact results than any other advanced tools like 3D printing. It has the scalability to constantly produce the same product each time without any variation. Due to its higher heat resistance, the method yields more polished products and eliminated the visibility of finer lines around the curves and corners. Product artists prefer CNC machining over 3D printing due to its production speed, cost efficiency, and higher accuracy.

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